Archive for January 25, 2011

How to Attach the Timing Chip If You’re a Barefooter   Leave a comment

According to the ever-reliable Wikipedia, transponder timing (also called chip timing or RFID timing) is a technique for measuring performance in sport events. A transponder working on a radio-frequency identification (RFID) basis is attached to the athlete and emits a unique code that is detected by radio receivers located at the strategic points in an event.

These timing devices are usually attached to the shoes of runners. Uh, say what again? What shoes? Yes, that was my initial problem when I received my race kit for the QCIM 2. How do I attach the timing chip?

I first thought that I’d just pin the chip onto my running shorts, but thought otherwise because I was afraid that it would’ve been placed too high for the mats to recognize. Er, I have no idea of the range those mats have.

So I opted for something to be attached to the ankle. Blogs I’ve read talked of chip straps being used by triathletes (because they don’t wear shoes when swimming), but I wasn’t able to find any sporting goods store that carry them.

Then Michel came up with this brilliant idea:

it was genius, and it only cost P15!


It felt weird at first, imbalanced even. I might’ve gotten two so that I could have one on my other ankle for balance, but decided not to. I could barely feel it strapped to my ankle when I was running anyway.

The anklet never came loose during the 3hour, 23k run. I used the ever-reliable square (reef) knot to tie it, which also made it very easy to untie. 

I’m thinking of getting a new strap in every run that I join that would make use of a running chip. Maybe match the color with the race singlet. What do you think?


Posted January 25, 2011 by Barefoot Yayan in barefoot running

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